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来源:幸福生活指南 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-07
摘要:Speaking of children, Salema talks a lot: some work in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates and ask her about local culture, laws and other aspects sometimes. Salema also invites her colleagues and stud

Speaking of children, Salema talks a lot: some work in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates and ask her about local culture, laws and other aspects sometimes.

Salema also invites her colleagues and students to her home from time to time and cook them delicious food. Therefore, the students affectionately call her "Mommy Sai".

Salema has made it a routine work waiting for students in her office on each Tuesday and Wednesday, to solve their problems in study and life.

On Mother's Day and Teacher's Day, many students send text messages to Salema, "Mommy Sai, happy holidays!" "Mom, happy holidays!"

"I believe that a 45-minute class is a long way off for students to communicate effectively with teachers for education is a continuous course which needs 24-hour engagement," said Salema.

In 2017, Salema was presented the honor of the "Foreign Teacher of the Year in China" by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA P.R.C.). She stood out from nearly 30,000 foreign teachers and was named one of the top ten foreign teachers in China.

05 赛勒玛和家人在重庆人民大礼堂游玩

参与编写多本阿拉伯语教材Salema Involved in Compiling Various Arabic Textbooks



刚来川外的时候,她发现,学生的教材需要更新以适应最新的阿拉伯文化。2017 年底,在摸透中国学生学习阿拉伯语的情况、习惯的前提下,赛勒玛和川外的吴昊老师耗时两年所著的《高级阿拉伯语精读》和《简明阿拉伯语语法》出版。

目前,这两本教材均已在四川外国语大学阿拉伯语专业使用。今年他们还将出版三本阿拉伯语教材,涉及历史文化、贸易等, “目前,这三本书已经处于校对阶段。”赛勒玛说。

赛勒玛还积极助推重庆与阿拉伯语国家的文化、学术交流。早在2015 年,在赛勒玛的倡导下,四川外国语大学与阿尔及利亚排名第二的特莱姆森大学签署协议,推动两校之间互派交换生。继2017 年10 月第一批川外学生去特莱姆森大学交换后,2019 年,又有36 名学生成为交换生。

2019 年,在赛勒玛的推动下,川外的阿拉伯语老师和学生还能申请免费就读特莱姆森大学的硕士或博士,目前,已经有三位川外的老师申请,如顺利,今年9 月就能入学。


Salema is very rigorous in giving lectures. Bai Zepeng, a student at Sichuan International Studies University, said that "Mommy Sai" attaches great importance to classroom interaction and often has students act as a "teacher" in class and present themselves in Arabic.

Salema holds that teacher should keep pace with the times by continuous learning. For example, she would learn new words connected to the internet so as to better understand her students.

When she first came to the university, she found that students’ textbooks need to be added the latest Arabic culture. At the end of 2017, Salema and Wu Hao, another professor at the university, published Advanced Arabic Intensive Reading and Concise Arabic Grammar, which took two years to compile, on the basis of gaining an in-depth understanding of the habits of Chinese students in learning Arabic.

Both of the two textbooks are used by the Arabic majors of Sichuan International Studies University at present. They are planning to publish three Arabic textbooks this year, covering history, culture, trade, etc. "These three books are undergoing proofreading at the moment," said Salema.

06 赛勒玛获得2019 年度感动重庆十大人物,接受媒体采访现场

07 赛勒玛在2019 年度感动重庆十大人物颁奖现场

Salema has also played an active role in promoting cultural and academic exchanges between Chongqing and Arabicspeaking countries. As early as 2015, at the initiative of Salema, Sichuan International Studies University signed an agreement with University of Tlemcen, second-ranked university in Algeria to promote exchange programs between the two universities. The first batch of exchange students from Sichuan International Studies University went to the University of Tlemcen in October 2017, and the figure in 2019 was 36.

In 2019, Arabic teachers and students at Sichuan International Studies University were offered an opportunity to apply for a master's or doctor's degree in the University of Tlemcen free of charge, thanks to Salema. At present, three teachers have applied, they will be able to enter the university in September this year if everything goes well.

文章来源:《幸福生活指南》 网址: http://www.xfshznzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0307/704.html


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