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来源:幸福生活指南 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-07
摘要:"I hope that more and more Chinese students will get some knowledge of Arabic and Arabic culture through such exchanges," said Salema. "Which, also give more Arab students the opportunity to visit Cho

"I hope that more and more Chinese students will get some knowledge of Arabic and Arabic culture through such exchanges," said Salema. "Which, also give more Arab students the opportunity to visit Chongqing and experience the unique charm of the mountain city at close range."

四个博士孩子眼中的严格“妈妈”“Tiger Mother” in the Eyes of Four Doctors





喜欢旅行的一家人,每逢节假日就会相约自驾游。2008 年刚来重庆时的一件小事,让他们记忆犹新:有一次一家人自驾去野生动物园玩,路上车辆出了故障,不断有重庆人伸出援手,甚至还有一名热心重庆人帮他们推车几公里去4S 店。“我们觉得在中国几千年文化滋养下,中国人民有一种包容和慷慨精神。在中国,在重庆,我们仿佛是回到了家。”




Despite being called "Mommy Sai", she's always "ruthless" to her children during exams. Salema's third son "complained" that Salema is a "strict" teacher and mother. "She has very high and strict requirements for me and my brothers and sisters. We were not allowed to play games as little children, nor were we allowed to be in a relationship when we became college students. The only thing we can do is studying."

On hearing this, Salema said with a smile, "Money never makes a successful man, yet your value as an individual does. I hope every child can grow to an adult who is well-educated, caring about and respected by others."

Under the influence of Salema, her eldest son used to work for the United Nations and the Italian International Center for Biodiversity, and later completed his postdoctoral studies at Chongqing University. The second daughter has earned a double doctor's degree. The third son and the youngest son got their PhD from Southwest University and Chongqing University, respectively.

She often regrets for her failure to continue studying because of work and her children. As the children get older, she finally has her own time. In order to improve her capability of teaching, Salema keeps learning daily. Though at her 70s, she is currently pursuing a doctor's degree and is going to defend her thesis in a few days.

All her family members are keen of traveling and they often start selfdriving tours during the holidays. What they encountered when they first came to Chongqing in 2008 was still fresh in their memory: when the family drove to a wildlife park, their car broke down on the road. Many people passing by gave a hand. Some even helped push their car several kilometers to the 4S store. "We're appreciative of the tolerant and generous Chinese people nourished by thousands of year of Chinese culture. In Chongqing in China, we just feel at home."

Salema loves China very much. She lives a happy life in the university. Except her appearance, she looks just the same as any old Chinese lady. She often takes a walk on the playground, and then go to the school's vegetable stall to choose vegetables and fruits when gets some free periods.

Salema joked that if someone shouts "Look! A foreigner", she even looks around to see where is the foreigner, without realizing that she herself is the foreigner.

Although the family members work in various districts of the main city, every night, they will go to Salema's home at Sichuan International Studies University for dinner together, and then talk about their life and work. Salema is satisfied with her life here in Chongqing. And her family is also planning to settle in Chongqing in the future.

文章来源:《幸福生活指南》 网址: http://www.xfshznzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0307/704.html


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